Also, if you pre-order any edition of Marvel’s Avengers, you will have access to the beta. Options other than the standard edition include the Marvel’s Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Edition and Deluxe Edition. Pre-ordering not only grants guaranteed access to the beta, but a Marvel Legacy Outfit pack, and an exclusive nameplate as well. The Marvel’s Avengers Deluxe Edition on PS4 and Xbox One includes the following:
Exclusive Obsidian Outfit pack (six hero outfits) Six exclusive Obsidian nameplates 72-hour early access
Marvel’s Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Edition on PS4 and Xbox One features the following:
A 12” statue of Captain America designed by Gentle Giant A copy of the Deluxe Edition Exclusive SteelBook case Hulk Bobblehead Mjolnir Keychain Black Widow’s Belt Buckle Iron Man’s Prototype Amor Blueprints Kamala Khan’s Honorary Avenger Pin Commemorative Avengers group photo 72-hour early access
At participating retailers, those who pre-order Marvel’s Avengers will receive either a limited-edition pin set, patch set, digital comic book, or SteelBook designed by Marvel artist Mark Brooks. In addition, pre-ordering from the PlayStation Store will net you additional bonuses, including a Ms. Marvel “Talk to the Hand” emote and the Hex Pattern Logo dynamic theme. The exclusive Digital Edition on the PlayStation Store includes an exclusive Ms. Marvel nameplate and 1,000 credits which can be used towards Super Hero customizations. This edition also includes 72-hour early access when the game launches in September. PlayStation 4 players can also play the beta first when they pre-order any edition on PS4. Marvel’s Avengers will release simultaneously PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One September 4.