It takes a bit of effort, and the drills themselves are tough. However the rewards make it well worth your time. You’ll have to play several MyCareer games first, but unlocking and completing Coach Drills as soon as possible should be your top priority.
NBA 2K22 Coach Drills - How to unlock Coach Drills
You’ll unlock Coach Drills after completing 10 MyCareer games and earning at least a B rank in each one. After the 10th match, the Scheduled Coach Drills quest unlocks. Head to the practice facility, and speak with the coach to unlock the first round of Coach Drills. There’s a second set, but you’ll have to play a further 15 matches with the same rank or higher to unlock them. So far, it seems clearing the Seasonal Challenge involves completing both rounds of Coach Drills. It’s worth your time anyway, since completing a round of Coach Drills earns you 1,000 MVP points to spend on badges and 25 Brand Attribute points each for NBA, Team Oriented, and Fundamentals. Badges are an important part of your NBA 2K22 builds and not something you’ll want to ignore.
NBA 2K22 Coach Drills | Best NBA 2K22 Coach Drills
There’s no shortage of Coach Drills to choose from, and the badges you want will vary depending on build and position. However, these are some good choices to start with if only to practice some of the game’s fundamentals and get points the easy way. Lob Finishes: Catch lobs, dunks, and layups from a guard position Free Throw Ace: Successfully shoot at least five out of 10 free throws Defense Charge: Complete three charges in the paint Outlet Passing: Complete downcourt passes Coach Drills aren’t the only training you’ll want to do in NBA 2K22. This year’s dribble unlock requirements take some work as well, and you’ll want the best NBA 2K22 builds for each position to make the most of your training, whatever your dribble moves end up being.