Prior to the launch of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, you may recall developer Infinity Ward talking about how in-game watches are functional and more involved than ever. Aside from being able to tell real-world time, the tech allowed Infinity Ward to go even deeper. The developer created an in-game Tamagotchi-style watch that feeds on kills. Unfortunately, the watch was nowhere to be seen. This has been rectified now thanks to this week’s store update. The store item refresh introduced the Tomogunchi bundle for 1,000 COD Points (~$10).

The bundle includes the fabled watch, a calling card, emblem, sticker, spray and a charm. As you might imagine, the Tomogunchi watch works similarly to the real-world Tamagotchi: giving you a pet that hatches from an egg, which you can care for. Only here, you feed it by getting kills, capturing objectives and scoring in multiplayer. There’s a bonus charge meter that requires varying tasks to evolve the different pets, but they’re all things you can do in multiplayer. You can grow the critter into a child, a teen and even a full-size adult. It’s even more involved than that, as you’ll need to check on it from time to time during matches to monitor its mood.